Why we choose freshly roasted coffee
Only freshly roasted coffee beans produce a drink with a rich taste and aroma. With prolonged contact with air, the grain becomes windy and ages, and the coffee itself greatly loses its taste and smell. A pronounced bitter aftertaste will tell that the beans are already old, and enzyme notes will completely disappear from the coffee aroma. This article will discuss what happens during roasting coffee beans and how to keep them fresh.

Roasting coffee beans is a complex and multi-stage process with many chemical reactions. The main ones are drying, Maillard reaction and caramelization. In addition to these three processes, during the roasting of coffee beans, essential oils are released, dozens of substances are released and concentrated, which give the coffee a rich characteristic aroma.
The main aromatic compounds that create a coffee bouquet:

  • furans give the drink a caramel flavor;
  • pyrazines give the grains more complex floral notes;
  • coffeol gives coffee a recognizable smell;
  • ketones are responsible for the oily toffee-like color.
What happens to coffee beans during the roasting process

At the beginning of roasting, most of the moisture is evaporated from the grain. Green beans usually have a moisture content of 12%, but as soon as the beans are fried, it drops to 3%. The grain changes color and acquires a light porous structure.

Then, at a temperature of 100°C, the Maillard reaction begins - amino acids react with sugars when heated.

It is the Maillard reaction that gives the coffee beans its color, and the coffee its peculiar taste and smell. Compounds are formed, thanks to which coffee acquires new shades of aroma. These are the enzymatic notes of the primary aromas - berry, fruity and floral.
Because of the Maillard reaction, coffee beans turn brown, essential oils are released, fiber is destroyed and the glucose content decreases.
During the Maillard reaction, coffee beans acquire a rich chocolate hue, the fiber inside the beans is destroyed and the total amount of glucose decreases.

Then, at 170°C, caramelization begins. At this stage, deeper and more characteristic aromas are formed - vanilla, caramel, nuts, spices, chocolate, etc.

It is believed that with intense roasting, beans lose caffeine, but this is not the case. On the contrary, due to the decrease in the weight of the grains, the concentration of caffeine only increases.
What Happens to Coffee After Roasting

Freshly roasted coffee beans emit carbon dioxide actively. Some manufacturing plants do not immediately pack the coffee, but leave it outdoors to allow the gas to escape completely. Reasonable approach. But only freshly roasted coffee beans absorb and release a large amount of moisture. They quickly absorb odors from the environment and oxidize in the open air. As a result, coffee loses a lot of essential oils, and this affects the quality.
Simply put, coffee runs out of steam. It turns out that after roasting coffee beans need to release excess gas, but oxygen should not be allowed to spoil the structure and aroma. You can let the grains lie down, but the previous saturation and brightness will disappear. On the contrary, if you immediately pack the grains in an airtight bag, then carbon dioxide will end up in a closed space. It will come out until the bag bursts, which in any case will lead to contact with oxygen.

Taking these subtleties into account, we created a special package with a degassing valve. It allows the coffee to retain its aroma, releases excess gas and prevents exhalation. However, even in such bags it will not work for a long time.
How long can coffee be stored

The average shelf life of roasted coffee is 3-14 days. After that, the taste and aroma gradually weaken. If the coffee is in a bag with a valve, then it can be stored for a couple of months. At the end of the second month, the coffee acquires a peculiar bitterness and the taste becomes flat. Whole coffee beans can live for a week in an open container, and ground coffee loses its aroma and flavor palette in a matter of hours.
If it is indicated that the beans were fried a month or more ago, then it is better to look for a fresher option.
It is easy to tell that the seeds have deteriorated by smell. Freshly roasted coffee has a rich aroma. Even people who are not at all versed in coffee can easily identify it. There are no oily stains on the beans if they were light or medium roasted.

When buying ground coffee, it is difficult to be completely sure that it will be really tasty. There are a number of reasons for this. First, there are often no degassing valves on coffee bags. Secondly, due to logistics costs, the grains could have been roasted a couple of months ago, or even more.

How then should you pack your coffee? Ideally, store in opaque bags with valves and roast date. If it is indicated that the beans were fried a month or more ago, then it is better to look for a fresher option. If you have already bought it, we recommend drinking it within a few weeks. Further coffee will lose its charm.
It's important to know:

1. It is better to buy coffee locally. Since imported coffee spends a lot of time on the road. Where storage and logistics conditions are not always ideal, so it cannot be fresh.

2. Choose coffee only in opaque packaging with a degassing valve and roast date.

3. Freshly roasted coffee beans retain their peak flavor for the first 14 days.

4. For 3-5 weeks after roasting, the coffee still retains its quality, but it is best to consume it quickly and not store it for long.

5. But if coffee beans roasted more than a month and a half ago, then it will not have the best quality.
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